ASP.Net in OSX

ASP.Net in OSX

Tags: net, osx, aspnet, sublime,

I am, above all, a C# and JavaScript developer so in my normal day work I have to type all day on a Windows machine, but at home I enjoy developing and tinkering in my Mac, so I am really excited about being able to develop ASP.Net vNext applications on OSX.

I read about the announcement of Microsoft releasing .Net Core and ASP.Net as open source projects but I hadn’t have a chance to do anything after it because I was preparing for three weeks of holidays visiting family and friends in Mexico.

After two weeks of vacations, I found myself willing to open my laptop and do something useful with it, and then I saw the following tweet from Richard Dalton and I decided that I also wanted to try it.

Following the instructions linked in the tweet it was really easy to start a KVM server on my MacBook and run the sample applications. I got into issues with the Kestrel process hanging and having to kill everything because I tried to stop it using Ctrl-C instead of just pressing Enter but everything else was nice and tidy.

Whenever I have more time I will try to do some small pet project to be ready for the release.