New Year 2016

New Year 2016

Tags: Limo, Blogging,

A new year arrived today. What to do with it?

A few days ago my family and I went to the Natural History Museum here in Vienna. My daughter discovered how to take pictures with an iPhone and she spend the afternoon photographing stuffed animals and dinosaur bones.

Giraffe by Luna

She enjoyed taking pictures but dead animals just stand still; dead animals are not (that much) fun.

I don’t want to be a dead animal.

The year that just finished I started several personal projects: I decided to get an University degree, I joined the Machine Learning Nano Degree on Udacity, “started” an Open Source project, started learning Elixir, started a new version (in F# now) of my never-ending pet project (Karel), started with my part on my wife thesis with an implementation of k-Means to analyze groups of stones (using ML in Archeology!), started (and finished) some pull requests for Fsharp.Formatting and Canopy.

Do you see a pattern? I started a lot of things. I haven’t finished almost anything. I am working, I am learning, but I almost don’t have achievements.

I only have one new year resolution for this year:

Don’t stand still. Don’t be a dead animal. Keep moving and firing and finish something.

The challenge will be to have (at least) a commit on Github for every week. Not all my projects are hosted on Github but if I am working on something not hosted there I can do a small useless commit to my playground to mark that day as a working day.

Limos's Github chart
Lets make this baby green